Hot Topic – What Makes Self-Publishing So Appealing?

As writers, we spend countless hours in front of the computer and our notebooks researching, writing, and editing our manuscripts to perfection.  Once we’re ready to sell our book, we’re faced with the countless struggles between traditional publishing and self-publishing.  All writers waffle back and forth as to whether or not they should travel down the traditional publishing route, the indie publishing route, or the self-publishing route.

But which one of these publishing industries is growing more and more prevalent as the days pass by?


So what’s the number one reason why more writers are choosing self-publishing today?

One word: CONTROL.

Through blood, sweat, and tears, writers almost always create the perfect title for our work.  When seeking traditional publishing representation, this is the very first thing writers are told to not grow too attached to.

With self-publishing, we CONTROL our titles.

Through even more blood, sweat, and tears, and perhaps a bit of counseling, writers envision what they consider perfect for their book’s cover.  Again with traditional publishing representation, writers lose this freedom (although some may perhaps have the right to veto cover ideas depending on the writer’s contract, but they still don’t have the free artistic creativity to design one).

With self-publishing, we CONTROL our book covers.

And if one can imagine, through even MORE blood, sweat, tears, counseling, and perhaps a few sets of eye glasses from going blind staring at the words, writers write their story — the story the writer wants to tell; the words the writer wants to use; the writer’s baby.  With traditional publishing representation, writers may be asked to revamp their tale or scratch portions if not hundreds of pages.  That’s right.  Editors and publishers may not be looking for that one particular story that we told, but like the direction…

With self-publishing, we CONTROL our story.

With self-publishing, we CONTROL our words.

We’ve got more on keeping control through self-publishing, but for now we thought we’d leave everyone with these simple ideas.

Want to take control of your story?